Call Us +91 7483075957 Dixit Skin & Ortho Care Center
Open hours: Mon - Sat: 10:00am - 7:00pm (Sunday Closed)

Welcome to Dixit Skin and Ortho Care

DIXIT SKIN AND ORTHO CARE IS located on Kanakapura Main Road @ Baiyyanpalya bus stop is easily accessible with good connectivity. Driven by specialists in Dermatology and Orthopaedics, patient centred care and treatment is our goal. People will be treated with the best care possible. We will strive hard to ensure their smooth recovery.

Our Team

Our Team

Our team consist of well trained and experienced doctors, trained in India and abroad, who are passionate towards catering to the needs of the patients.

Our Vision

Our Vision

Our vision is to provide consistent and quality care to all the people who are in need of it irrespective of gender, race and economic status.

Our Mission

Our Mission

To provide quality care at affordable cost.
To render comfort and confidence during their recovery.

Our key factors:

  • Patient focused, need based treatment.
  • Dedicated, caring and passionate doctors who will give good results.
  • Protocol and evidence-based treatment to ensure safety and excellent results.
  • Well trained staff to handle equipments and needs of the patients to ensure smooth running of the polyclinic.
  • Medications and ortho aids dispensed in the clinic itself for the patient benefit.
More about us

Dixit Skin and Ortho Care

Make Appointment or call +91 9535469893

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Contact Us

Do not hesitate to contact Us!

Our Address

No 687 , BCCHS LAYOUT, NEAR HOLIDAY VILLAGE RESORT, KANAKAPURA ROAD, Bengaluru (Bangalore) Urban, Karnataka, 560062
Open hours


+91 7483075957
+91 9535469893


Open Hours

Mon - Sat: 10:00am - 7:00pm
Sunday Closed